Saturday, August 28, 2010

Bienvenue A Lyon

I'm in Lyon! So I have been really busy the past few days which is why i haven't been updating my blog as much.

Things I have done:
-Open a French bank account.
-Get a French cell phone.
-Buy a monthly tram/metro pass (I have been getting on trains without buying tickets lately and I was getting paranoid that I might get caught soon and pay a crazy fee)
-Explore Lyon with other UC students. (Went to a bar that turned into a club as the night passed and danced until 1am which is apparently when everything closes. Also went through all of downtown Lyon and ate at a few restaurants and cafes. Sat by the river and drank a little bit of wine. Went to a market and bought some cheese, baguette, nutella, tomatoes, nectarines, orangina, and ham and had a "pique-nique". It has also been pretty hot for a few days so we used an umbrella.)

-Climbed the FAT hill in Lyon to get to the Cathedral at the top. The view was amazing and we saw some Roman ruins on the way up. The Cathedral is lit up at night so if you look at it from the river, it looks like the castle in Disneyland. There is also a mini eiffel tower next to it known as the Tower of Italy.
-Got a free hairdryer, umbrella, and jacket from a stash of ex-study abroad student left-overs.

Things I have to do:
-Buy a student discount travel card so I can travel through France for up to 50% off.
-Get my Carte de Sejour so I can leave the country and get back in.
-Move into my apartment.
-Practice my French.
-Try a Salade Lyonnaise.

Okay funny story of the day:
So im sitting on a bench in the park with another girl from Davis (Tina). We are waiting for a friend who is going to meet us up in a few minutes. I'm just looking ahead and this guy approaches me. Not bad looking, quite tall. He's physically fit and is dressed normally. Nothing really attractive/unattractive about him. But he asks me if i speak French and I say "oui, un peu". So he starts asking me in French "Why are you so beautiful"? At first I didn't really understand so I just looked confused. Tina whips out from behind me and replys in French "Because we are Chinese girls". I was just like WHAT?!?! NOW I'M REALLY CONFUSED. haha it was just such a random thing to say. But i asked him to repeat and this time, i understood him better and realized the guy was hitting on me...My first hit from a Frenchmen. I honestly can say I was a little flattered, but the whole time, the movie "Taken" was just playing in my head over and over, so normally, I was very cautious. All of a sudden, I see my friend Elliot. Tina decides to ditch me with Mr. Strange Man and heads over to Elliot. Next thing he asks me is if i would like to go get some coffee with him. I decline of course and I just expect him to walk away. but nope, he asks "pourquoi"? Now I was a little taken back. Was a no still a no in this country or did you need a reason now? But i just kept playing it dumb and said i had something to do but didn't know how to say it in French. I was deathly afraid that this guy was a sex trafficker of some sort and was going to take me away and get me addicted to drugs (hollywood movies really get to me sometimes). But thankfully, he left me alone and I was able to rejoin Tina and Elliot.

All I can say is thank You for keeping me safe.

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